Interpretation of abnormalities in liver function tests is a common problem faced by practitioners. With the introduction of automated routione laboratory testing nowaydays, this problem has been exacerbated. Reseasrch supports that not all patients with one or more abnormalities identified in these tests actually have liver disease. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the various biochemical tests, their pathophysiology, and a step-wise and easyapproach to the interpretation of abnormal liver function tests will improve practitioners' clinical skills.
Drbeen Coach Sameer Islam, MD Presesnts: "Liver Function Tests and their Interpretation" Webinar Objectives:
1. to understand why liver abnormalities happen
2. to understand the most common reasons for liver function abnormalities
3. to provide an easy frame-work for approaching these patients
Dr. Islam is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and a Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Texas Tech University Health Science currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and a Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Texas Tech University Health Science Center.