Presented By: Luis A., Verduzco, M.D. Intensivist
Sepsis and septic shock carry a very high mortality (higher than STEMI!). Every healthcare practitioner needs to understand sepsis and the important management principles that are needed to improve the probability of survival. At some point in their careers, every practitioner will encounter or manage sepsis.
a. Limitations of SIRS
b. Newest definitions of sepsis and septic shock
c. The fallacy of "lactic acidosis"
d.Review the sepsis management guidelines
e.Review sepsis-associated management principles such as mixed venous oxygen tension, peak and plateau pressures, and blood transfusions
f. Stress the importance of minimizing fluids in sepsis and starting pressors early
g.Review pressors used in sepsis
h. Provide an evidence-based approach to septic shock treatment